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           Manhattan Chapter of the
               North American Rock Garden Society






The Manhattan Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society, founded in 1987, is a group of gardening enthusiasts who are interested in an eclectic range of plants, with emphasis on alpine and rock gardening selections.


Our programs cover a broad spectrum of special interests such as rock and alpine, succulents, woodland, bog, and planted walls, as well as trough and container gardening. While we’re based in New York City, we welcome members in any location.







Monday, March 10

6:00 p.m.   In person at The Center

Pecha Kucha!

Four brief presentations: 

- Jess Brey, Berberidaceae

- Nancy Crumley, A Lawn Transformed

- Lola Lloyd Horwitz,Trilliums

- Jennifer Kalb, Mediterranean Spring


This should be fun!

Members, please join us! And feel free to bring a friend.




Monday, April 21

6:00 p.m.  In person at The Center

Speaker:  TBD




Our annual Spring Plant Sale will be on Saturday, May 3rd.

Save the Date!





The Center is located at 208 West 13th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues.

It is easily reached by subway and is a short walk from the 14th Street stations of the 1,2 and 3 trains

(at 7th Avenue), the A,C,E and L trains (at 8th Avenue), and the F,M and L trains (at 6th Avenue)

© 2025 MCNARGS, Inc.

MCNARGS is a chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society (NARGS).

Information about NARGS can be found at 

Manhattan Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) corporation.

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